BBQ Grill & Smoker Rentals
We offer BBQ Grills, Offset Smokers and Pellet Grills for rent at an unbeatable price.
For any and all occasions, TheBBQHQ has everything you need to provide the best of the best in BBQ services right here in SoCal!
Available Rental Units in Southern California
Cooking Space
Cooking Style
Cooking Capacity
6,604 sq. in.
Offset Smoker
50-100 People

Now In Stock

Yoder Smokers Pellet Grills
Don't miss the opportunity for a brand new pellet grill.
shop now*While Supplies Last

Cooking Space
Cooking Style
Cooking Capacity
2,000 sq. in.
Pellet Grill
10-30 People
Workhorse Pits 1975
Cooking Space
Cooking Style
Cooking Capacity
2,316 sq. in.
Offset Smoker
35-60 People

Ready to buy?
Checkout our large selection of new gas grills, pellet grills, offset smokers and so much more!
ExploreAre you interested in a BBQ rental unit?
Contact us by phone at (805) 285-2618 or by email at
3850 Royal Ave, Simi Valley, CA 93065
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